8 levels of English from Berlitz.
These are just great and they are realy great for just listening
and speaking.
8 Levels of English
I am and have been putting together more training material
for different carreers. Please enjoy and use them, and let me know what you think of it.
Absolute Beginner English
English for Academic Purposes
Marketing & Banking
Joel's Training Material
I would like to get feed back from anyoe and everyone that use this material, that
way I can make it better for all to use.
English Training for Police officers
English training for Hotel Staff
English Training for Nursing & Hospital Staff
English for Retail & Department Store Staff
English Training for Executives for AEC
English Training for Banking Staff
English Training for Immigration Police
I have acquired all of the Headway
books and New English Files books with all their materials. These are both American
& England sets. As I get them uploaded you will find them at the link below. Again these are all
free for you to use and for your students to dowload. This an save you and them alot of money.
This is a new section of this page. Here I
will put many training books I have acquired through the years. You may download as you wish and use them free.

Presenting for Success Part 1
Presenting for Success Part 3
Timesaver Storyboard with Audio
Tech Talk Elementary
The link below is to some books I think might be good for children. I have found these
on different sites. But you can still download and use them.
Special Books